D. L. (DWIGHT LYMAN) MOODY 1837–1899
DWIGHT LYMAN (RYTHER): Evangelist; b. at Northfield, Mass., Feb. 5, 1837; d.
there Dec. 22, 1899. He was the sixth of the nine children of Edwin and Betsy
Moody (nee Holton). His father, who was a mason, died in 1841 (aged 41) and the
family was in dire financial circumstances for years. His mother died in 1895,
aged ninety. Moody received his first religious impressions in the village
Unitarian church and his first missionary work was in getting pupils for its
Sunday-school, which he attended. His schooling was carried only as far as the
district school could take him, and while a young boy he had to earn his
living. In 1854 he resolved to try his fortunes in Boston, and there was hired
by his uncle, Samuel Holton, as a clerk in his boot and shoe store. One of the
conditions of his engagement was that he should regularly attend his uncle's
church, the Mount Vernon (Orthodox) Congregational Church, and also its
Sunday-school. This promise he faithfully kept and was so much impressed by the
truths he heard taught that in 1855 he applied for admission into the church.
But his examination was not considered satisfactory and his application was
held over for a year when he was thought to have made sufficient attainments in
theology for church membership. In Sept., 1856, he went to Chicago and quickly
found a more lucrative position than his uncle could offer, and made a
reputation as a salesman and traveler in the shoe trade. He also accumulated
$7,000 toward the $100,000 upon which he had set his heart. But while diligent
in his business and uncommonly successful he became absorbed more and more in
religious work. His energies were first spent upon the Sunday-school as
teacher, gathering-in new pupils, and most unpromising ones, who under his
instruction improved marvelously, and then as superintendent of the North
Market Hall Sunday-school which he built up until it had a membership of 1,500
and out of it in 1863 the Illinois Street Church was formed. He thus was well
known in the state as a Sunday-school worker. From the time of his coming to
Chicago he had entered heartily into the work of the Young Mens' Christian
Association, and he raised a large part of the money for its building, not once
hut twice, for the first was burned in 1867, and the second in 1871. In 1881 he
gave up business and was an independent city missionary, then agent of the
Christian Commission in the Civil War, and after that again in Sunday-school
work and the secretary of the Chicago Young Men's Christian Association. But as
yet he had done nothing to give him international fame.
1867 he made a visit to Great Britain on account of his wife's health-he had
married in 1862. He made some valuable acquaintances and did a little
evangelistic work. One of his converts was John Kenneth Mackenzie. In 1872 he
was again in Great Britain, held numerous meetings and won the esteem of
prominent Evangelicals. From these he received an invitation to return for
general revival work. He came the next year, bringing with him Ira David
Sankey, who was henceforth to be linked with him in fame as a revivalist. They
landed at Liverpool on June 17, 1873, and held their first services in York.
Moody's downright preaching and Sankey's simple but soul-stirring singing won
attention, and as they passed from city to city they were heard by great
crowds. They spent two years in this arduous labor, and then returned to
America. Their fame was now in all the churches and invitations poured in upon
them to do at home what they had done abroad, so they repeated these services
and duplicated their successes, and that in all parts of the country. In 1881
and again in 1891 and 1892 they were in the United Kingdom. One of their most
loyal supporters was Henry Drummond, who owed to them the quickening of his
religious life in 1874.
1892 Moody by invitation of friends made a brief visit to the Holy Land. It was
on his return to London that autumn that he first knew of the heart difficulty
which ultimately caused his death. It may have been this knowledge that induced
him during his remaining years to seek rather to deepen the spiritual life of
professing Christians through church services of the ordinary quiet type, than
to address the enormous miscellaneous crowds in all kinds of buildings as he
did in earlier days. It was while holding services in Kansas City, Mo., on Nov.
16, 1899, that he broke down, and, although he was able to reach home, he was
fatally stricken and soon after died.
had "consecrated common sense." He was honest, preached a Calvinistic
creed which he accepted with all his heart, and was master of an effective
style. His sermons and shorter addresses abound in personal allusions, in
shrewd remarks and home thrusts. He had a hatred of shame and scant respect for
notable persons whose fame was owed solely to their position. He was often
abrupt, sometimes brusk. He had no polish, small education, but he knew the
English Bible and accepted it literally. He was fond of treating Bible
characters very familiarly and enlivening his sermons by imaginary conversations
with and between them. But that he was truly bent upon promoting the kingdom of
God by the ways he thought most helpful there is no doubt. Like other great
revivalists he had much praise which was undesirable, but he never lost his
head. He also never allowed excitement to carry his audiences off their feet.
For sanity, sincerity, spirituality, and success Moody goes into the very first
,rank of revival preachers.
Moody's and Sankey's mission at Newcastle, England, in 1873, the first form of
the familiar hymn-book which hears their name appeared in response to the
necessity of having a book which was adapted to their needs. This book was
originally little better than a small pamphlet, but it was enlarged and has
taken on various shapes and had varied contents while preserving its main
features. The sale of the book in its different forms has been enormous. Up to
1900 more than one and a quarter million dollars had been paid to its compilers
in royalties. Of his share in this money Moody made noble use, and thus opened
a chapter in his life which is less known to the public, but will have more
permanent interest than his preaching. For with it he founded, or helped to
found, the chain of educational institutions which does not bear his name but
which is his greatest monument. The first was the Northfield Seminary for Young
Women, erected and carried on in his native town. It dates from 1879. This is a
school which trains girls for college, if they go so far, but in any case gives
them good instruction permeated with religion. All the work of the house is
done by the students. In 1881 Mount Hermon School for Young Men was started.
The two schools are only a few miles apart. The students are taken at very low
rates and combined manual training with the usual school courses both under
strong religious influences, The Bible Institute for Horne and Foreign Missions
in Chicago, open to both sexes, is another of the educational aids which owe
their origin to him. The Students' Conferences and the Northfield Christian
Workers' Conference, both of which meet Annually at Northfield, were
inaugurated by him. They have exerted a great influence, and of a very sane and
thoughtful type.
church connection Moody belonged to the independent Chicago Avenue Church. In
his activities he belonged to the Church universal.
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